Listen to our podcast where we talk to the regulators, senior board members and subject matter experts about how audit reform can create ‘deserved confidence’ in corporate reporting, audit and stewardship. Hosted by KPMG’s Phil Smart, Partner, with over 25 years of experience within the Financial and Insurance sector, working with global financial services clients in both the insurance and asset management industry.

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
In our first episode, KPMG host Michelle Hinchliffe is joined by Sir Jon Thompson, Chief Executive of the FRC, to talk about the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation to restore trust in audit and corporate governance, which was launched on 18 March 2021. Together they explore the package of reforms and how it aims to drive change and build confidence in the UK market.
Listen as Jon shares his views on how the recommendations can help businesses grow, changes in director responsibilities, its impact on investors, the regulatory perspective and the potential cost implications. He also provides some insights into what to expect as a result of the consultation, how it will be implemented and equips listeners with the perspective of our regulator as they plan their response to the consultation, which is due by 8th July.